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Birth: Song Be, Vietnam; Hometown: Sioux City, IA; Attended School: Montezuma, NM & Washington, DC; Age: Late-20’s; Childhood Dream: To be US Ambassador to Vietnam
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Basilica Menor is the oldest cathedral in the New World. During the battles for new territories the building was used by pirates led by Sir Francis Drake as a barracks. The cathedral was built in a Spanish Renaissance style, but the interior is a three-aisled Late-Gothic structure. Taken 10/2004.
Lands Lived & Immersed
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: 6/2007-7/2009
Washington, DC: 8/2000-5/2007
Montezuma, NM: 8/1998-5/2000
Sioux City, IA: 4/1985-8/1998
Song Be, Vietnam: 4/1980-4/1985
Lands Visited & Cultures Shared
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam (short-term international development work): 11/5-11/10/2009
Savannah, GA; Charleston, SC; and the Outer Banks, NC (roadtrip through the South from Miami-DC): 8/8-8/16/2009
Orange County, CA; Phoenix, AZ; Puerto Penasco, Mexico; Omaha, NE; Sioux City, IA; Chicago, IL; St. Louis, MO; Las Vegas, Montezuma and Ghost Ranch, NM; Miami and West Palm Beach, FL (stateside visit after Peace Corps service): 7/21-9/8/2009
Philadelphia, PA & NYC, NY (stateside visit after Peace Corps service): 7/9-714/2009
Vancouver, the Gulf Islands & Victoria (on Vancouver Island), Canada: 3/5-3/15/2004
Duluth & Cotton, MN (road trip from DC): 6/2003
Iowa City & Sioux City, IA (road trip from DC): 6/2003
Cape Cod (West Falmouth), MA (Thanksgiving): 11/2002
Boston & Cape Cod (West Falmouth), MA: 6/2002
Detroit & Ann Arbor, MI (road trip from Boston, MA): 5/2002
Miami, FL: 3/2002
Boston, MA (Thanksgiving): 11/2000
Houston, TX (bus trip from Montezuma, NM): 3/2000
New Orleans, LA (Mari Gras 2000; bus trip from Montezuma, NM): 3/2000
Cape Cod (West Falmouth) & Boston, MA: 12/1999
Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN: 7/1999
Cape Cod, MA (West Falmouth & Martha’s Vineyard): 6/1999
San Francisco, CA (Project Week; road trip from Montezuma, NM): 3/1999
San Diego, CA (Thanksgiving; road trip from Montezuma, NM): 11/1998
Flagstaff, AZ (hiked the Grand Canyon) – 10/1998
Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN: 6/1998-8/1988
Long Island & New York City, NY (bus trip from Sioux City, IA) – 4/1997
Moscow, Idaho: 6/1995-7/1995
Seoul, South Korea - 6/3-6/4/2007
Museum of Anthropology, built in 1976
Vancouver, Canada. Many of these large sculptures once formed parts of the cedar plank houses in which First Nations families lived. Some of the carvings functioned as posts supporting roof beams, while others stood decoratively against interior or exterior walls. Taken 3/2004.
Habitat '67, Moshe Safdie, built in 1967
Montreal, Canada. This extraordinary housing development comprising 158 units of from one to four bedrooms was planned as a prototype for a system that would streamline the building process and cut costs. It was assembled from 354 reinforced-concrete building modules, ingeniously stacked so as to give privacy and views to each unit. These prefabricated individual containers are stacked in a confused order and connected by steel cables. Taken 4/2006.